Tube Rotators
The Roto-Mini and Roto-herm Rotator Series perform mixing applications for resuspension, protien binding, nucleic purification, histochemistry, hybridization, and more. Each unit comes with 4 interchangable tube holders to accomodate tube sizes from .5ml - 50ml. Rotating motions can be adjusted for vertical or horizontal mixing.
The Roto-Therm can be digitally programed to maintain chamber temperatures of +5 to 60 degrees Celsius.
The Roto-Mini and Roto-Therm have Plus versions avaiable with the following features:
- Variable speeds from 5 - 70 RPM. Standard version has a fixed speed of 24 RPM
- Mix, Pause, and Rock Functions
- Additional 4.5" x 3" rocking platform
- 96 x .2ml tube/strip/plate for PCR vessels
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